Statistics Tables

Statistics tables are advanced versions of tables, intended to help users evaluate the significance of a particular table row.


Version Delivered Opens Clicks Unique Opens Unique Clicks Click
Through Rate
Total Click
Through Rate
Unsubscribes Spam Reports
A 4,678 60.84% 40.24% 44.82% 24.42% 10.16% 8.08% 2.02% 0.40%
B 4,676 50.64% 38.60% 40.28% 18.18% 8.16% 4.08% 2.02% 0.60%
C 4,677 52.31% 39.07% 39.28% 22.84% 12.45% 3.76% 1.95% 0.63%
D 4,678 43.08% 21.07% 20.29% 13.09% 7.86% 2.96% 5.20% 0.02%
E 4,677 43.10% 35.67% 30.82% 23.35% 11.61% 5.01% 3.73% 1.69%
F 4,676 30.44% 20.71% 22.07% 12.11% 4.92% 2.53% 4.80% 2.40%
Container(s) .table-wrap
Modifiers .is-thin .is-striped
HTML Elements td.stats
Optional Elements span.badge
<table class="table-wrap is-thin is-striped">
<td><span class="badge screample">A</span></td>
<td class="stats">4,678</td>
<td class="stats">60.84%</td>
<td class="stats">40.24%</td>
<td class="stats">44.82%</td>
<td class="stats">24.42%</td>
<td class="stats">10.16%</td>
<td class="stats">8.08%</td>
<td class="stats">2.02%</td>
<td class="stats">0.40%</td>


Status Campaign Name Delivered Opens Clicks Unsubscribes

Fall Into Action

Last edited 1 day ago


All Your Stats Are Belong To Us

Scheduled for 2016-11-25 06:00am

Pick Winner A/B Test

DNS Made Easy

A/B Test sent 2016-10-23 11:14am

In Progress

Marketing Campaigns Update

Promotion Flash Sale


2017 Fall Product Showcase

Canceled on 2016-11-25 06:01am



Denver Startup Week Events

Paused at 2016-11-25 06:02am



Fall Into Action

Sent 2016-10-23 11:14am


84.02% 60.82% 40.24% 2.12%

2017 Q3 Marketing Campaigns...

Sent 2016-10-23 11:14am

Promotion United States

96.24% 48.96% 32.36% 1.12%

DNS Made Easy

Sent 2016-10-23 11:14am

Promotion +7 more Flash Sale, Returning Customers, North America, United States, Canada, English Language, Marketing

100% 80.12% 72.06% 0%
Modifier(s) .has-checkboxes
HTML Elements td.cell-label td.stats span.stats-line
Optional Elements td.campaign-name td.delivered td.opens td.clicks td.unsubscribes
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<th class="sort">Status</th>
<th class="sort">Campaign Name</th>
<th class="sort">Delivered</th>
<th class="sort">Opens</th>
<th class="sort">Clicks</th>
<th class="sort">Unsubscribes</th>
<th class="actions">
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<span data-tooltip="Last edited 1 day ago" data-tooltip-pos="up">
<span class="label label-draft">Draft</span>
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